Our Services

At Regal Wills, we understand the importance of ensuring your wishes are carried out after you’re no longer able to express them. Our professional and experienced team is here to assist you in creating a legally binding and comprehensive will that reflects your unique circumstances and provides peace of mind for you and your loved ones.


Will Writing

We offer professional will writing services, enabling you to create a legally valid and comprehensive will. Our experts will guide you through the process, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Family Protection Trust

Our Family Protection Trust is a legal tool that safeguards your assets and provides financial protection for your loved ones after your passing. By establishing this trust, you can ensure your assets are distributed as per your wishes, protect them from inheritance tax, and reduce the risk of future claims. It offers privacy and confidentiality, keeping your family’s financial affairs private. Seek professional advice to create a Family Protection Trust tailored to your needs and secure your family’s future.

Lasting Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so in the future. With an LPA, you can choose someone to manage your financial affairs or make decisions about your health and welfare when you are no longer capable of doing so. It provides you with peace of mind knowing that your interests and well-being will be protected by a designated individual. Creating an LPA is an important step in planning for the future and ensuring that your wishes are respected.

Property Protection Trust

A Property Protection Trust safeguards your property for future generations. You (and your partner) maintain full control and can continue to benefit from the property during the remainder of your lifetime. Upon your passing, the property passes to your chosen beneficiaries within the Trust, ensuring a secure legacy they will be protected from subsequent inheritance tax, divorce or bankruptcy.

Our Will Writing Process:

Step  1

Our dedicated team of Estate Planning Consultants will take time to understand your individual circumstances and aspirations to gain a deep understanding of your unique situation and intentions.

Step  2

We recognise that everyone’s circumstances are unique, and so we take great care to write the will tailored specifically to your personal requirements, providing the highest levels of protection so you and your family are safeguarded.

Step  3

Once everything is agreed the final draft of your Will is written by our in-house legal team. We will then send you a copy of your Will.

Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation and take the first step toward securing your future and providing for your loved ones when the inevitable happens. Our dedicated team are here to assist you with all your Will writing & estate planning needs.

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